Coach, Trainer, Medium, Writer & Medical Doctor

Personal Consulting, Solution Focused Therapy, Business Development

I help people with their path to self-development and healing of their inner child. I believe that it is intended to free yourself form the pain and trauma energies in life and experience the full meaning of love.

For enterprises I optimize their social conscious position in society and give insights in market mechanisms in order to bring succes, maximal profit and personal fullfillment.

“I am a trainer, coach, medical doctor, cultural antropologist and writer. For more than 16 years I have advised people on how to improve their working relationships and enhance the quality of their lives. I’ve provided professional trainings on improving relationships, conflict management and related topics.”

Special Approach To Every Client

Personal & Professional Development

Courses & Trainingen

Choose Your Best Road To Success

Leadership training

8 hours of intensive training
Learn to apply Conscious Mind Leadership in everyday life. Shed light on individual patterns of behavior and get insight in family themes.
Pre-coaching Conversation
4 coaching sessions
Final Conversation

Conscious Mind Training

2 days of coaching
How to overcome your childhood programmations and traumas in order to achieve your full potential and reach lifes fullest Happiness.
Primium Location
2 day training session
Free lunch & drinks

Meeting Your Soul

8 hour Masterclass
Experience the feeling of really coming home. Learn to recognize your soul wihtin yourself. Understand what your soul wishes to experience.
Luxury Masterclass Location
8 hour Masterclass
Interactive, questions can be asked Lunch & drinks inclusive

Read My Books & Start a New Life

Books by Chetanya de Wit

I write a lot of books that contain essential information about how to change your life. It will give you new insights into those ‘impossible’ situations that cause so much anguish, stress and ther. They are clearly written, highly readable, and filled with credible information and guidance.

Stella Kolsteeg

“It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors.”

Stella Kolsteeg

Babor Institute Kralingen
Jaap de Jong

“I gained so much confidence in my ability to connect and deepen my relationships with people. It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors.”

Jaap de Jong

CEO Young Perfect
Andre Piso

“Wow! I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors.I gained so much confidence in my ability to connect and deepen my relationships with people. It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections”

Andre Piso

Founder & CEO Dytter



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